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railway passenger traffic中文是什么意思

用"railway passenger traffic"造句"railway passenger traffic"怎么读"railway passenger traffic" in a sentence


  • 铁路旅客运输


  • Post - evaluation of impact of sars in 2003 on railway passenger traffic volumes
  • Application of bp neural network in the sequence prediction of the market of railway passenger traffic
  • This paper discusses a new statistic algorithm of railway passenger traffic flows by analysing the present data of selling tickets and designs an application model of this statistic algorithm
  • With the rapid development of various modes of transportation and that the travel requirement of people is rising increasingly , the competitions in passenger traffic market become keener and keener . the railway passenger traffic faces a severe challenge
  • Passenger flow forecast model is not only the key of seats automatic a ] lotment , but also the main factor which affects the results of seats automatic allotment . upon the base of analysis of passenger traffic quantity forecast for market of railway passenger traffic , this paper points that different forecast models should be matched to passenger flow forecast needed by seats automatic allotment in different periods . it also gives the mathematic models for seats automatic allotment
用"railway passenger traffic"造句  
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